Tech Startup Coworking

iCentral By The Start Society

Tech startup business community spaces in interesting places.

The Precinct

Samui – Sydney – Yangon – More
iCentral spaces are always in an incredibly great location for tech startups to access customers from enterprise and professionals to small business and consumers in the heart of Australia’s largest cities.

iCentral is for individual entrepreneurs and teams. We like tech startups and really love scalable product businesses and people trying to learn and transition into the ecosystem. But standards are high, we want our members to be surrounded by the best so even though we have had hundreds of applications, less than half are typically accepted.

Spaces usually have a MINIMUM of 500/500Mbps internet link and a huge community and space with common areas, kitchen, meeting spaces, flexible desk and chair choices.

Spaces are typically hundreds of thousands of square metres of indoor shared space plus a often include a large 100+ square metre sunny dedicated verandah garden.

Bathrooms are usually new or refereshed/renovated and typically each building or floor has a shower.

Charter memberships and normal memberships are currently selling quickly so please move quickly to avoid disappointment.

Prices are typically half the price of other premium city centre locations with special flexible plans for regional visitors and investors.

Here are some shots of a typical week at iCentral Sydney as we build another great pillar of the tech startup ecosystem. You can google iCentral Yangon or other locations for more photos.

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